Use this if you only want to include your e-mail address in your website and don't want to be worried about it being harvested by spambots.

Make a key:

First you need to select 2 prime numbers that will make up the encryption/decryption key. They must be different numbers, and their product, N, must be greater than 255. Also, don't pick 29 and 31 together.

P: The first prime number used to make the key.
Q: The second prime number used to make the key.

Enter your Email Address:

I need this in order for the JavaScript to encrypt it. In no way is your email address stored or given away. All the calculations are run on your computer, not the server. Once it's been encrypted, the address is forgotten, so don't worry about me giving it out to spammers or whatnot.

The Technical Stuff:

Public Private
N: P:
E: Q:
C: D:

In case you wanted to know, N is equal to P*Q. N, the public key, only has 2 possible factors other than itself and 1, so finding out P and Q from N can take a long time, depending on how large N is. P and Q are private keys, which are needed to break the encryption. E is an exponent used in creating the encrypted string C, and in creating the decryption key, D.

Test Decryption:

Just to make sure everything worked out all right.

Generate the HTML:

Now just click this last button to get the HTML code to copy and paste into your webpage where you want a mailto: link to appear. You can replace the stuff between the anchor tags to be an image or whatever. (Note: To make sure you get all of the text, right-click and use select all. If you only have one mouse button, get a better computer ;)


Now your email address should be safe from SpamBots (computer programs that crawl the net looking for email addresses). Most SpamBots look for the give-away 'mailto:blah@blah.com' link, and more complicated ones look for '@' symbols. With this script in your page, there's not a single 'mailto' or '@'. As far as the bots are concerned, it's just a bunch of meaningless numbers. This should help keep your email address off of future bulk email lists.