Welcome to MoiK78 blog. Your daily intake of Internet news. This is a personal site so I post whenever I can :) but I'll try to get it daily. Be free to email me any suggestion. El bolg de Moisés García sobre tecnologías de internet y programas de diseño.
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Welcome to MoiK78 blog, your daily intake of internet and technology news.

Picasa Web Albums My Picasa Photo Albums / Albumes de Fotos

August 31, 2006

Photos of Feria de Almeria 2006

Verano 2006
Aug 17, 2006 - 192 Photos

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December 28, 2005

Happy New Year

I would like to wish a Happy New Year to all my readers. I wish you good luck and to have good health in the incoming year.


August 29, 2005

New Pics of my holidays

I'm back from my holidays in Fuerteventura (Canary Islands) and I have upload some photos into my header carrusel. I hope you enjoy some of them.
By the way, did you know that Macromedia is going to release Studio 8 this fall? Just in case you didn't hear the news.


June 09, 2005

Anniversary and birthday

As some of you maybe know, tomorrow it's my birthday and I'm turning 27. Lot of things have changed in one year (new job, better life style) and I would like to thank my faithfully readers for being there, although updates to this blog are getting slow. Anyway, it's also the 3rd anniversary of this blog... 3 years blogging, so many funny links, software reviews, code tips and news (almost 2mb of news). I hope this new year will come with more blogging time to share some stuff of my personal and professional life.


May 19, 2005

My trip to London (II part)

I'm back from my trip to London and, what can I say? I loved the city, I really enjoyed walking around its streets, smelling so many fragances of different food that I couldn't distingish it. People is kind to tourist people (at least with me), and I think the city is very well organized.
Too many things shocked me, like viewing a Porsche or a Ferrari parked in the street as it was a Citroen or a Peugeot. Many, many sports cars and very very clean. I have been in many cities and London is the cleanest I ever visited. Also shocked me that all the business, I mean street shops, have a good design (the façade, the brand, etc.).
I also went to the Star Wars Premiere and take some photos with some Stormtroopers.

Anyway, here they are some photos I took in London. My family appears (my wife and son) too.

Photogallery of my trip


May 13, 2005

Trip to London

This weekend I'll be in London for a short time to spend the weekend. I have never been there so I hope I have a good time. I'm very interested in the British and the Natural Science Museums. The only bad point I see in London is that is a bit expensive, at least if you exchange euros in pounds... I'll try to post some photos when I came back from Camila's home ;)


December 24, 2004

Merry Christmas and Happy 2005

I would like to wish all my readers Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2005
I hope all your wishes would come true in 2005.


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