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July 28, 2003

FlashPaper: features wishlist.

I have been playing with the new version of Contribute and really like the new feature: FlashPaper. One of the things I really dislike about Acrobat Reader was the time it took the plugin to load and that sometimes the process stays in the background after closing the page and consuming resources.

It's someting that is in its early steps but I see a really good future in this technology. What I miss from Acrobat Reader? Here it is:
- Mouse wheel support. This feature I think will be in next release.
- Abbility to select and search text.
- Abbility to select images.
- An independent product, separate from Contribute.

Post in the comments what are your wishes for this new MM product.

Note: In the FlashPaper webpage it states that "FlashPaper documents can only be viewed in a web page, so you can?t email FlashPaper documents directly to others." I think that's not true because I generated some swf and can be viewed with the Flash Player off-line. Don't know why did the say the contrary.

July 18, 2003

New PC, new network, new home... maybe new life?

Finally I got my new PC and yesterday I began to install ALL the software, to configure the network, to apply my personal settings to WinXP and now I have finish, finally. Also I'll move my permanent home to Almeria in two weeks so don't expect to much blogging in August. Also I have the task to found a new job (you know money don't grow in trees) and begin a new life. I'll keep you, my faithful readers, updated of my progress.

Well, time to catch on with the last events. I see that a new version of Contribute has been shipped and has a new feature: Product Activation. Let's see if it's better than the Windows XP one, I hope so.

Just in case you are curious to know what PC I have bought here are the specifications:
- Motherboard: Asus A7N8X (with LAN and Sound)
- Proccessor: AMD 2400+ XP
- RAM: 512 Mb 333 MHz Kingston
- Graphics display: Asus V9520/TD Geforce FX5200 128Mb
- Monitor: Philips 109 B40 19"
and mouse, keyboard... those things that make our work easier. 8)

July 16, 2003

Keran McKenzie relaunches StudioWhiz.

I had visited StudioWhiz sometimes and really like the community feeling in the forums. Also the tutorials are great but need all the help of the HUGE and HELPFUL Flash community to share their knowledge.

The new design is great and Keran A.K.A Pnut has made a great work. Check also Pnut's blog for lastest news.

July 13, 2003

Jonas Galvez opens his own blog.

You probably know him from OnRelease. After 6 months sharing with us all his knowledge he decided to open his own blog. Expect great things from this blog as he always share with us interesting and helpful code snippets.

Welcome Jonas, to the blog world! You are one of the buddies I have meet online this year and I can call you "friend".
Visit Jonas Galvez blog.

July 07, 2003

Blogger/Google looks for professional people.

If you are unemployed and look for a good job, take a look at the job listing and find something suitable for you.

July 04, 2003

MoiK78 Flash chat: in your favorite theater this summer

Sorry for the lack of updates to blog but I didn't find anything interesting to post about. Tha fact is that i'm quite busy right now and have my head full of things.
I'll be moving to Almeria (Spanish south coast) in August and have to pack ALL the things, gadgets, books and stuff we have. Also I'm planning buying a new PC (I would like a Mac but it's more expensive and I will have to buy new licenses of software, too much money 8( ) with a Athlon 2400+, 1GB RAM, NVIDIA FX 5200, an Asus Motherboard...
Even if that is not much, I have began a course on Object Oriented Applications and all the mornings I'm out learning VisualBasic, JavaScript and Java. Also I keep with my work of online-teacher giving courses of Flash MX, Dreamweaver MX, Fireworks MX, HTML and Graphic Design.
Do you think is not enough? Well, also I'm working in a chat app developed with Flash MX, PHP and MySQL (my first app managing PHP) that will be out soon. There will be two versions: a Full version where people register (for free) and have a profile and have private messages between users and more features still to define, and a Lite version that won't have a registration and you could only chat with all the people (maybe worth as a Component).

Well, that's all for now. Stay tuned for upcoming events, doesn't it Jonas? ;)

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