120 things you never knew about Photoshop
Maybe you are a PhotoSguru but I'm sure you will find more than one tip you didn't know about.
The 120 tips below should help you (whether you are a beginner or a seasoned expert) to
harness some of Photoshop's "hidden" functionality to streamline your work, perform complex tasks more quickly or efficiently, or teach yourself something you had no idea Photoshop was capable of!
120 Photoshop Tips (PDF) by Trevor Morris
Submit your own tips in the comments.
The 120 tips below should help you (whether you are a beginner or a seasoned expert) to
harness some of Photoshop's "hidden" functionality to streamline your work, perform complex tasks more quickly or efficiently, or teach yourself something you had no idea Photoshop was capable of!
120 Photoshop Tips (PDF) by Trevor Morris
Submit your own tips in the comments.