Welcome to MoiK78 blog. Your daily intake of Internet news. This is a personal site so I post whenever I can :) but I'll try to get it daily. Be free to email me any suggestion. El bolg de Moisés García sobre tecnologías de internet y programas de diseño.
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Welcome to MoiK78 blog, your daily intake of internet and technology news.

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May 20, 2004

Photoblogging, another new feature of Blogger.

Seems that Blogger guys are working hard cause as days goes by more and more features are available and, best of all, for free.

We have Bstats, is a web traffic-tracking service designed specifically for blog publishers.

Audioblogger,to post audio to your blog from any phone.

And now Photoblogging, it uses Bloggerbot (Hello) which is a peer-to-peer networking application that enables users to share photos and text-chat about them live. It's a snazzy little app but it's even more impressive when it's engineered to work seamlessly with Blogger.
You can add me to your friends in Hello, this is my username: MoiK78.

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