Welcome to MoiK78 blog. Your daily intake of Internet news. This is a personal site so I post whenever I can :) but I'll try to get it daily. Be free to email me any suggestion. El bolg de Moisés García sobre tecnologías de internet y programas de diseño.
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Welcome to MoiK78 blog, your daily intake of internet and technology news.

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August 13, 2003

Blogging from my new home: Almer�a

Probably you have noticed a luck of updates in this site and it was due to moving my permanent address. Now I'm living in Aguadulce (Almer�a) located in the SE coast of Spain.

Also I got a new job, it's a very small company but it's only 5 min on foot far from my home.
Don't know what to tell more as today the installed finally the ADSL connection and I'm still trying to get up to date with these weeks news.

Soon blogging more frecuently.

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