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July 18, 2003

New PC, new network, new home... maybe new life?

Finally I got my new PC and yesterday I began to install ALL the software, to configure the network, to apply my personal settings to WinXP and now I have finish, finally. Also I'll move my permanent home to Almeria in two weeks so don't expect to much blogging in August. Also I have the task to found a new job (you know money don't grow in trees) and begin a new life. I'll keep you, my faithful readers, updated of my progress.

Well, time to catch on with the last events. I see that a new version of Contribute has been shipped and has a new feature: Product Activation. Let's see if it's better than the Windows XP one, I hope so.

Just in case you are curious to know what PC I have bought here are the specifications:
- Motherboard: Asus A7N8X (with LAN and Sound)
- Proccessor: AMD 2400+ XP
- RAM: 512 Mb 333 MHz Kingston
- Graphics display: Asus V9520/TD Geforce FX5200 128Mb
- Monitor: Philips 109 B40 19"
and mouse, keyboard... those things that make our work easier. 8)

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