No fate, No Hope, No destiny.
Today I feel a bit blue so excuse this dramatic title but the situation deserves it. This afternoon I had some spare time to think about the whole situation in the world today.
We are at the edge not of a nuclear war but two. The Irak-Rest of the world war will begin this year and we don't know what consecuences it will outcome. In fact, for all of us will be a worse economic situation, less work and less money. But we have another war and I think this is more dangerous and it's with North Korea. I don't know who is right or who is wrong but the war is not the solution. The war never is the solution.
In the other hand, we have millions of people dying because of starvation while people die of overweight.
Why the mankind is so self-destructive?
Why we try to kill our neighbours?
Why we try to kill ourselves?
We are the only specie in Nature that is so stupid (and I not being hard) that instead of perpetuate the specie, we want to exterminate it. We also want to destroy our body drinking poisons as alcohol or smoking or taking drugs. If you give an animal a bit of heroin and he won't draw near it in his life becuase his body wanrs him that this is poison. Why are we so blind?
Perhaps all of this sounds a bit catastrophic but it's the real life. Take some time to think about it and you will draw a similar conclusion. We are condenated and we are our judges.
Post your thoughts, anxieties, in the comments. Perhaps we are still in time to save ourselves.
Today I feel a bit blue so excuse this dramatic title but the situation deserves it. This afternoon I had some spare time to think about the whole situation in the world today.
We are at the edge not of a nuclear war but two. The Irak-Rest of the world war will begin this year and we don't know what consecuences it will outcome. In fact, for all of us will be a worse economic situation, less work and less money. But we have another war and I think this is more dangerous and it's with North Korea. I don't know who is right or who is wrong but the war is not the solution. The war never is the solution.
In the other hand, we have millions of people dying because of starvation while people die of overweight.
Why the mankind is so self-destructive?
Why we try to kill our neighbours?
Why we try to kill ourselves?
We are the only specie in Nature that is so stupid (and I not being hard) that instead of perpetuate the specie, we want to exterminate it. We also want to destroy our body drinking poisons as alcohol or smoking or taking drugs. If you give an animal a bit of heroin and he won't draw near it in his life becuase his body wanrs him that this is poison. Why are we so blind?
Perhaps all of this sounds a bit catastrophic but it's the real life. Take some time to think about it and you will draw a similar conclusion. We are condenated and we are our judges.
Post your thoughts, anxieties, in the comments. Perhaps we are still in time to save ourselves.