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November 22, 2002

Useful add-ons for your blog.
If you think that your blog is lacking some features you would like to have like the possibility to make comments of the post, to include a newsletter when your blog is updated, polls, feedback forms, etc and you don't want to spend a buck in these funcionalities, you better continue reading.

If you want to include your own RSS feed so any RSS feed reader can index your blog, then go to Voidstar. These is very useful for Bloggers users.

If you want to add the possibility for your visitors to leave Comments on ths post then your place is Haloscan. They provide an easy way for commenting posts and you can customize the comments template.

If you want to send your visitors a Newsletter when your site is updated with the new post then you have to go to Bloglet. You can manage your susbcriptors and the way the newsletter is sent.

So if you find that all these add-ons are not enough, that you want a Guestbook, a Web poll or a Mail form, then go ahead to Sparklit. I find very useful the mail form because this way you don't have to place a mailto in your html and those mail crawlers can't grab your personal e-mail. for spaming you.

Now you have a lot of add-ons but you want more, you want to trace Statistics (who is coming to your blog, when, referals, etc) and to place a Counter. There are a lot of sites that provided this funcionalities but I recommend these three: NedStat, Sitemeter and a new one, Reinvigorate.

I hope all this info is useful to somebody, if so, comment it.
Have a good weekend. :o)

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